
Create an IAM Role for CloudFormation


When using CloudFormation to manage resources in AWS, CloudFormation must use an IAM role that has permission to modify each resource defined in the CloudFormation stack. This can either be the user’s role in AWS, or a specified role created for the stack. In this article we’ll see how to easily create a specific role for CloudFormation using AWS CLI.

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Create an IAM Role to use with CodePipeline


When creating a new CodePipeline, an IAM role is required, but AWS does not have a managed role to easily select from when creating new pipelines, specifically from CloudForamtion. To generate a new role the web console is needed to create a new pipeline and generate a new role. This article describes how to use the generated role to easily create a new IAM role to use with CodePipeline.

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Chris Mitchell Online - A 2020 Update

A message from owner and writer Chris Mitchell on how 2020 has effected this blog and back to writing. As we’re all aware 2020 has not had its lack of crazy events. All of these events have effected each of us deeply, myself included. Ultimately, the turmoil of this year has certainly effected my level of effort to write and maintain this blog, as the lack of updates certainly reflects. Continue reading
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